Sunday, 31 August 2014

Beach Art

Art is not a thing — it is a way- Elbert Hubbard

Let each man exercise the art he knows -Aristophanes

We work in the dark — we do what we can — we give what we 
have. Our doubt is our passion and our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art -Henry James

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time- Thomas Merton

Creative Advertisments- Escalator

Amazing Creative Advertisments-using Escalators as the medium to reach to the customers.

Creative Advertisement-Bags

We've seen lot of creative advertisments all our lives, enjoy some more and get amazed by the creativitiy!

Time Slice- The Amazing Photography

TIME Richard Silver

Richard Silver, a New York photographer created this ongoing series called 'Time Slice' that captures iconic buildings change in appearance from day into night by taking some photos at intervals over several hours and then layers them into the final piece.

 "The idea behind the “Time Sliced” Project was to photograph iconic world buildings at sunset and capture the changing light from day to night in a single image. Experimenting with a few different kinds of processes I came up with the “Sliced” idea. I decided to Slice time and light showing the progression of the day from left to right."-says Richard Silver.

All images are © Copyright of Richard Silver 
Check his website: