Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Incredible Photoshop Art and Illusions by Erik Johansson

Erik Johansson is a self-taught Swedish photographer and retouch artist living in Berlin. He creates amazing works inspired by Salvador Dali, René Magritte and M.C. Escher. Realizing one photo from idea to final piece takes him from a few weeks to several months, and results are magnificent. Erik himself describes his style as 'surreal ideas realized in a realistic way with a touch of humor'.

Vertical turn

vertical turn erik johansson

Go your own road

long road

A painting too real

hangind sea

Downside of the upside

bridge - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions

Expecting winter

expecting winter

Snow cover

snowcover1 - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions

Face vs. fist

facefist - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions


tetris1 - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions

Set them free

setthemfree - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions

Question architecture

question architecture erik johansson

Man made flood

179588 408972662470551 127937003907453 1251486 180777850 n - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions

Right back

sven - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions

Herningsholm (commissioned work for Herningsholm vocational school, what it would be like if there were no electricians, hairstylists or bricklayers)

herning1 - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions

The Rules of Dada (commissioned work, album art for Dada Life’s second album)

dadalifecover - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions

Besides edited photos, he creates street illusions sometimes. For instance, here is Mind Your Step-illusion created in Stockholm in 2011. This large, 32 x 18 meters (105′ x 59′ feet) print looked like a hole right down in the ground from right position. 

mindyourstep - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions

And here're some images from Volvo Art Session 2014 in Zurich. Erik created 3 anamorphic illusions for it.

vas14 illusion1 - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions

volvo 1 - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions

volvo 7 - erik johansson's incredible photoshop art and illusions

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